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This functionality allows you to import multiple actions for a single location is one go.  This requires the completion of a spreadsheet which is available to download from the system directly.  Once uploaded they can be updated in the usual methods.

How to Import Actions

  • Go to your Administration dashboard and select Import action plan.

Import action plan icon.

  • Select the Location that the actions are associated with.

Selecting a location

  • Select the 'Download Excel template' option to download a copy of the spreadsheet that you will use to import your actions. 

  • This template contains a single line of demo data to guide you on how to enter your information. Delete this and replace it with your action details.

Example details on the spreadsheet.

  • Enter your Action information as follows.

  • Description
    • Enter the details of what the action is, and what needs to be done.
  • Assignee 
    • Who the action needs to be assigned to - the email address entered here must match the user's Radar Healthcare email address
  • Due date 
    • When will the action be due - the date format must be dd/mm/yyyy
  • Priority 
    • Low, Medium or High
  • Tags (Optional)
    • Enter the tag you would like to use, if this matches a tag already in Radar Healthcare, it will use this tag, if it does not match a tag already in Radar Healthcare, a new tag will be created. 
    • If you wish to have more than one tag against an action, simply separate the actions using the ~ symbol. For example, if we wanted to tag an action with both "CQC" and "Policies" we would enter 'CQC~Policies'.

  • Here is an example of a completed spreadsheet below:

  • In Radar Healthcare, select 'Select Excel file' and select your completed template spreadsheet.

  • Select 'Preview action plan' to move to the next step in the upload process.

  • If your upload has no errors, you will see a preview of the actions as they will appear in Radar Healthcare.

Action uploaded from a spreadsheet.

  • If you are happy to proceed, select 'Import action plan' at the top of the page.

  • You will now see a confirmation the actions have been successfully imported. From here you can either choose to view the action plans or import further action plans e.g. for a different Location.

Import complete.


What are the potential errors to be mindful of?

  • If you have any errors in your import, they will be highlighted to you on the Preview screen - for example in the screenshot below we have tried to assign two actions to a user that does not exist in Radar Healthcare.

  • Common Errors Include:

Error MessageIssue/Resolution
The assignee "" does not exist in Radar Healthcare There is no User in your Radar Healthcare system with this email address so that action cannot be assigned correctly. Either create the User in Radar Healthcare or check that the email address is correct.
A server error occurred: Specified cast is not validAn invalid Due Date has been entered e.g. 30/02/2021 OR 31/06/2021. Update the Due Date to a valid date.
Missing due dateThere is an action with no Due Date entered. Add a valid Due Date.
Missing assigneeThere is an action with no email address to assign to. Add a valid User email.
Missing priorityThere is an action with no priority. Add a priority - High, Medium or Low.
Missing descriptionThere is an action with no description. Add a Description to advise what the action is for.

  • To correct the errors, return to your spreadsheet and enter the correct details, e.g. replace the incorrect email address with a user who is in Radar Healthcare

  • From the Action plan import screen, click back to the Details section to re-upload the corrected spreadsheet and progress to the Preview stage: