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Viewing Past Submissions

  • You can see a requirement has been completed previously as a date will be showing the "Last completed date" on the compliance record.

  • Select either the three-dot menu icon at the side of the requirement in this list and click View history, or alternatively, simply click into the requirement itself from this list.

  • If the requirement has been completed previously, you will see the past completions listed. You will see:
    • Due date - this is the date that each instance of the requirement was due
    • Completed date - some requirements have forms that require you to enter a date that you completed training. This date will pull through to the "Completed date" column.
    • Requirement completed date - this is the date that the user physically went into Radar Healthcare to complete the requirement. 

  • To view each of these submissions, click on them from this list. You will be taken to the completed requirement, where you can click on each of the steps to see the answers/information submitted.

Viewing the changes and updates within each submission

  • In addition to being able to view past submissions, there is also a full history logged within each individual submission itself. This can be seen within the most current submission, as well as within historic submissions, under the History tab.

  • Here we can see a log of every time the requirement has been updated, who actioned it and the date.