Viewing Compliance Requirements

To view the different Requirements currently set up in your system, click on Administration from the left hand menu, then select Requirement types.

Here you will see all the existing Requirement Types currently in your system. You can search for an existing requirement using the Name and Description filters or by searching for all requirements with a given Tag.

From this list you will be able to easily see the settings associated with each requirement type:

  • Name – The name of the compliance requirement, e.g. GDPR Training (The name is what is pulled out on the report)
  • Description – A description of what the requirement is, e.g. An Introduction to the General Data Protection Regulation (The Description is what is displayed to the user. If the Name has been shortened for reporting purposes, the Description can be used to give the title of the requirement in full)
  • Initial completion period – Once the requirement has been assigned the to the individual for the first time, how soon do you need them to complete it? Using this information, the "Due Date" for the requirement will be calculated.
  • Initial pending period – Once the requirement has been assigned the to the individual for the first time, how long before the due date should the requirement flag as Pending on the user's dashboard and they are notified that the requirement is now becoming due? The Initial pending period should always be either the same or a lesser amount of time that the Initial completion period.          
  • Recurring – Is this a recurring requirement? 
  • Reschedule after – How long after the previous requirement is completed should the next requirement be rescheduled? E.g. is it an annual requirement?
  • Pending period – How long before the next due date should the Requirement appear as Pending on the User's dashboard and they are notified that the requirement is now becoming due? E.g. for an annual requirement, you may wish for it to flag to the user 1 month prior to them becoming non-compliant to give them enough time to complete the requirement. 
  • Requires Approval – Once the User has completed their required items, their Line Manager will be assigned a task to approve the requirement before the requirement flags as Compliant. 
  • Tags – Tags allow you to filter the different types of requirements. 
  • Archived – Once a requirement is no longer needed, it can be Archived which will remove any outstanding requirements from user records, halt any auto-rescheduling and you will not be able to assign the requirement to another user. 

Editing a Requirement

To edit a Requirement, click the pencil icon to the right hand side of the requirement in the list

You will now be able to update any of the details and settings for this Requirement.

The first page will cover the key details of the requirement.

The second page looks at the workflow and how the requirement is designed to recur (if applicable).

For more information and guidance around each of these fields shown, please refer to the guide: Creating a New Compliance Requirement - Step 2: The Requirement Type

The final page will ask you to confirm everything in a summary overview.


Please be aware that any changes will only apply to newly assigned Requirements. Any Requirements assigned prior to changes here will NOT be affected by the change.

Important to note when editing requirements - Radar Healthcare refreshes periodically every 5-15 minutes and so you may not see changes immediately on a user's record, however the change will be implemented on the next refresh.

Archiving a Compliance Requirement

If a requirement is no longer needed, it can be Archived. This will change any outstanding requirements on user records to Not Applicable, halt any auto-rescheduling, remove the requirement from reports (unless actively included) and you will not be able to assign the requirement to another user. 

To archive a requirement, click the pencil icon to the right hand side of the requirement in the list...

...then on page two (Workflow) select YES to the question "Archived?" before continuing to the Review page and confirming your changes.


The Requirement will now have been removed from the active Requirement Types list, however can be viewed (and reactivated) again using the filter at the top of the Archived column. 

Important to note when archiving requirements - Radar Healthcare refreshes periodically every 5-15 minutes and so you may not see changes immediately on a user's record, however the change will be implemented on the next refresh.