If you need to remove a Question, Requirement or even a full Section from an Audit you can do so. These changes will take effect as follows:

  • Any deleted items will pull through for audits Scheduled or Started after the change was made
  • Any audits still in Progress or Completed at the time the change was made will not be affected

To delete a Section, Requirement or Evidence Question, from within the Audit Template, select Actions to the right hand side of the relevant Section/Requirement/Evidence Question and select Delete.

Please be aware that once a Section, Requirement or Evidence Question has been removed, the reference numbering will not automatically update, so you may wish to manually update these to bring them back in line if required. To do this, simply click Edit against the relevant Section, Requirement or Evidence Question. 

If you are looking to make a drastic change to your Audit Template and you want to avoid affecting any existing audits, instead of editing or deleting items from your audit, you can create Copy of your audit. Please view this article for more information on Copying your Audit.