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Most tasks in Radar Healthcare take place at a location.  A location can be the physical locations making up your organisation, the services you provide, etc.  You will be reporting your events or carrying out your audits against your locations so it is important they match your reporting requirements.

Your System Hierarchy is integral to many areas of Radar Healthcare and can be complex to amend after you start using the system. Before making any changes to how your system is set up we recommend you read the below article first:

View locations

  • Navigate to the Administration panel.

  • Under the General header select Locations.

  • You will be presented with a list of existing locations.

List of locations.

Create a new location

  • Select Add new location...

  • Complete the fields as required.
    • Name.  What is the name of the location?
    • Region.  Which of our Radar Healthcare Regions does this location sit underneath?  
    • Manager. Is there a system user who should manage this location? This is used for the Audit functionality.
    • Location Type.  This is used to restrict which events can be raised at your location.  Please let Radar Healthcare know if you wish to use this.
    • ODS Code.  If you are using the LFPSE questions and your organisation has multiple ODS codes please enter the one for this location.
    • Tags.  Are you categorising your locations?  This is helpful when reporting to focus on particular types of locations.  
    • Is a PSIMS [LFPSE] reporting location.  Say yes if this location should be submitted to the LFPSE project.
    • Is Active.  Should this be an active location?

  • Select Save.

Edit a location

  • From your list of Locations select the one you wish to edit.  Use the filter to find specific Locations if required.

  • Edit the location details as required and select Save, the location details will be updated.

Close a location

  • From your list of Locations find the one you wish to close.

  • Select the 3-dot menu next to the location and select close.

  • Confirm you would like to close the location, the location is now set as closed.

Selecting the 3-dot menu on a Location.

Re-open a location

  • On your list of Locations select the option to show closed Locations.

Including closed locations.

  • Select the closed location.  From within the Location select the 3-dot menu to reopen the Location.

Reopen a closed Location.