There are two ways to restrict event types by role:

CREATERestrict which roles can report specific event types.
E.g. You may have an event type such as Litigation which should only be reported by specifically allocated roles in the organisation.  Or an event type such as Infection Outbreak which you'd like to restrict to Managers to ensure it's discussed first before being reported in Radar Healthcare.
VIEWRestrict which role can view specific event types once they've been reported.
E.g. You may have a Whistleblowing event type to which you only want a number of senior roles to have access.  
A user may still be able to report the event but they would lose access after 20 minutes unless they have the permission to view the event type, or are granted permission through an Event Task.

To restrict events, from the Admin dashboard, select the Restrict Event Types button.

You will be presented with the your event types and any role restrictions set.

Against the relevant event type, click the Edit restrictions (pencil icon) button.

There are two options;

  • Restrict to roles (View) - select the names of the roles which can have access to view these event types once they've been reported.
  • Restrict to roles (Create) - select the names of the roles which can have the ability to report events of this type.

Simply select the corresponding box to choose the roles:

Click Save. Once restrictions have been set it will take immediate effect.

If there are no role restrictions set then the overall event permissions set in Access Control will apply.

Please Note: If the Event Type has been archived then you will only be able to apply the restrictions to the VIEW option.  This is becuase it is not possible to create/report a new event for an archived Event Type.